Learning Resources Learner Satisfaction Survey

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Did your induction to the Library/ILT/LRC Centre help you to use Learning Resource Services?
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How often do you use the Learning Resource Service (Libraries, ILT Centres or Learning Resource Centre) ?
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Does the Learning Resource Service help you with your progress on your course?
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How useful is the support you receive from Learning Resources staff (Libraries, ILT Centres or Learning Resource Centre) in helping you complete your college work?
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How do you rate the customer care you receive from the staff of the Learning Resource Service staff?
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Do you agree with the following statement? “I find the Learning Resources areas safe places to study”
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Do you agree with the following statement? “I find the range of electronic Books (eBooks) is good”
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How useful do you find the Learning Resources Moodle page?
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Overall, how satisfied are you with the Learning Resource Service?
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